In the following email correspondence, I respond directly to issues raised by  media moguls...


The following correspondence with political activist/dissident Noam Chomsky began with an inquiry:

Mr. Chomsky:

Why do you neglect or omit any reference to the CFR in your political discourse?

Leland Thomas Faegre

-----Original Message-----
From: Noam Chomsky [
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 9:24 AM
To: Leland Faegre
Subject: Re: Council on Foreign Relations

Chomsky:  Not sure what you mean.  I constantly quote their journal, Foreign Affairs, and have also discussed their main study groups, like the important War-Peace studies of the late 30s through mid-40s, which laid the groundwork for postwar planning.

I don't discuss them much as an organization, unless there is something specific to say.  Their meetings and regular publications are mostly a bore, in my opinion.

Noam Chomsky



Official American foreign policy receives its imprimatur from the CFR, and its reference as an organization, would enlighten significantly those who include you as perhaps their most important statesman on the subject [of foreign policy]...


-----Original Message-----
From: Noam Chomsky [
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 10:40 AM
To: Leland Faegre
Subject: RE: Council on Foreign Relations


Chomsky:  I think you are seriously exaggerating the role of the CFR.  The participants play important roles.  The organization itself rarely does, though there are exceptions, like the War-Peace studies group I mentioned.

They do many other studies.  I often read them.  They are usually not very important, in my opinion, like most of the studies of the Trilateral Commission and others like them.  Perhaps your judgment is different, but mine is that the more important sources lie elsewhere.

Noam Chomsky


You are not known for a lack of specificity in your polemic prose, and yet you dismiss a Who's Who of whores in the American Establishment that comprise approximately .001% of the general population without citing who or what the more important sources are?


-----Original Message-----
From: Noam Chomsky [mailto:chomsky@MIT.EDU]
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 1:20 PM
To: Leland Faegre
Subject: RE: Council on Foreign

Chomsky:  I didn't regard my letter to you as "polemic prose." Rather, I wrote a response to your specific inquiries, as I do to the 100+ other e-mail inquiries every day that take a great deal of my time.

To respond to this letter, I did not "dismiss" the members of the CFR who are listed in "Who's Who" but said precisely the opposite: that they are powerful and important, and we should pay a great deal of attention to them, as I constantly do.  You're confusing the CFR as an organization with its members, the distinction I was trying to make clear in my earlier letters.   I didn't cite what I regard as more important sources because you didn't ask me to.  The easiest way for you to find the answer to that question is to check the footnotes in what I write.  I don't feel that it's my responsibility to run through them and quote what's in print when responding to a letter.


-----Original Message-----
From: Leland Faegre
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 2:22 PM
To: 'Noam Chomsky'
Subject: RE: Council on Foreign Relations



It is revealing that you could have just as easily name-dropped a handful of ‘the more important sources’ as you could have written this response.  Or is it that your usefulness is actually derived from your marquee value to attract a nurtured naiveté?


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Responding here to James Taranto who writes 'Best of the Web' for of the Wall Street Journal:

-----Original Message-----

From: Leland Faegre []

Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 5:04 PM

To: Opinionjournal

Subject: RE: Stupidity Watch


RE: Stupidity Watch

Most of the items we cite under this heading come from the anti-American left, but here's one from the isolationist right. Paul Craig Roberts , in a column that appears on the Heritage Foundation's Web site, offers the following proposal:

*** QUOTE ***

Before the United States [sic] finds itself embroiled in a Middle East conflict for which it lacks both economic means and popular support, I propose a different solution: Terminate the Middle Eastern conflict by inviting the 5 million Jews in Israel to settle in the United States. . . .

Trying to create a small Jewish state in a sea of Muslims was a 20th century mistake. Trying to reconstruct the Middle East would be a bigger mistake.  Why not recognize the mistake, evacuate the Jews, leave the Muslims to themselves and focus on saving our own country?

*** END QUOTE ***

Got that? The way to solve the problem in the Middle East is to dismantle virtually the only state in the region that is not an abject failure in the hope of appeasing its neighbors' envy. Of course, it seems unlikely that all five million Israeli Jews--including those who are U.S. citizens, and who already can come here to live anytime they like--would accept Roberts's "invitation," so his call to "evacuate the Jews" sounds like a forced relocation.

Roberts's proposal is both monstrous and naive. It's monstrous to the Jews, whom it treats as mere pawns to be shipped from continent to continent en masse for America's convenience. It's even more monstrous to the Muslims, whom it blithely condemns to continued tyranny and misrule. And what about the Middle East's Christians and other religious minorities? They don't even rate a mention in Roberts's column.

And it's laughably naive to suggest that dismantling Israel would solve all the Middle East's problems. It would appear Roberts has forgotten that the last time America intervened militarily in the region, it was to liberate one Muslim country from another. Or does Roberts think the Jews were somehow responsible for Iraq's invasion of Kuwait?


-----Original Message-----

From: Leland Faegre []

Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 5:04 PM

To: Opinionjournal

Subject: RE: Stupidity Watch


How about George Washington? Was he monstrous and naive?

Terrorism: The Way Forward

 "It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world... As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent Patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practise the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the Public Councils... Harmony, liberal intercourse with all nations, are recommended by policy, humanity, and interest. But even our commercial policy should hold an equal and impartial hand; neither seeking nor granting exclusive favors or preferences...constantly keeping in view, that it is folly in one nation to look for disinterested favors from another; that it must pay with a portion of its independence for whatever it may accept under that character; that, by such acceptance, it may place itself in the condition of having given equivalents for nominal favors, and yet of being reproached with ingratitude for not giving more. There can be no greater error than to expect or calculate upon real favors from nation to nation. It is an illusion, which experience must cure, which a just pride ought to discard."

Washington's Farewell Address, September 17, 1796

Leland Thomas Faegre

Libertarian Candidate, 57th Assembly District, California


-----Original Message-----

From: Taranto, James []

Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 2:50 PM

To: Leland Faegre

Subject: RE: Stupidity Watch




-----Original Message-----

From: Leland Faegre []

Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 12:57 PM

To: Taranto, James

Subject: RE: Stupidity Watch


What part of Washington's Farewell Address confuses you?

Leland Thomas Faegre


-----Original Message-----

From: Taranto, James []

Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 11:31 AM

To: Leland Faegre

Subject: RE: Stupidity Watch


No, what I mean is, what does this have to do with what I wrote?


-----Original Message-----

From: Leland Faegre

Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 1:09 PM

To: 'Taranto, James'

Subject: RE: Stupidity Watch


Who among us would defend the wisdom of "trying to create a small Jewish state in a sea of Muslims?" There have been few paradigmatic constructions as stupid in human history; however predictable, coming from such a reputable organization as the United Nations.

The foreign policy establishment salivates at the thought of reconstructing the Middle East, but that is pathologically unnatural and contemptuous of the Jefferson’s admonition of, "Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none."

With a broad stroke, you recklessly lambaste an option that makes more sense than the script of the Council on Foreign Relations, might have immediate appeal to many Israeli citizens and offer a starting point of political discourse that enables the formulation of a sensible foreign policy that insistently pursues the intent of the Founding Fathers.

But the architects of the nascent international order would consider such an option with contemptuous discomfiture:

"What the Trilateralists truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved. They believe the abundant materialism they propose to create will overwhelm existing differences. As managers and creators of the system they will rule the future."

---Barry Goldwater, With No Apologies

If the United States of America is viewed as "arrogant, self-indulgent, hypocritical and unwilling or unable to engage in cross-cultural dialogue" as the Council on Foreign Relations published recently, it is because the empire of America is inconsistent with the intent of the Founding Fathers, and those who hate us have already answered the idea that it is possible to "overwhelm existing differences." Thousands of Americans have lost their lives in the pursuit of this 'Grand Design'--Americans who have never heard of the CFR...



Checkmate. I guess 'Jim' has had enough of reason and insight, as he failed [see below] to respond to this. He acknowledged in yesterday's edition, that of those who read his 'Best of the Web,' 95% of readers " a war in Iraq, and of those who don't, perhaps half are either openly anti-Semitic or just plain nuts..."

That puts me [in Taranto's mind] in the 2 1/2 per cent who oppose the war on reasonable grounds. But as I believe we should have gone after him long ago because of his role in the Murrah Federal building bombing in Oklahoma City [on the anniversary of Waco lest we forget], even that is amphibious.

But the Bush Administration chooses not to cite his role in Oklahoma City apparently because of the incompetency of the intelligence elite. Although some at upper levels are in fact complicit, as "Bojinka" — ‘loud bang’ — the code name bin Laden operatives had given to an audacious plan to hijack 11 U.S. airliners simultaneously and fly them into various targets in the U.S. was known to the FBI and other federal agencies as early as 1995.

As the 'Wall Street Journal' is a corporate member of the CFR, Taranto knows who signs his checks...

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The following exchange took place over several days with Mr. KABC, of TalkRadio 790, Los Angeles:

From: Leland Faegre

Sent: Friday, October 29, 1999 2:15 PM

To: ''

Subject: Conspiracy, Intrigue and Professional Sports

Mr. KABC...

Do I understand you to accept behind the scenes manipulation in professional sports, but deny that same dynamic in political history?


Do I think a certain boxing promoter with funny hair fixes matches so that

he is guaranteed a rematch and an even bigger purse? Yes. Do I think that

leaders of foreign nations led by Henry Kissinger get together to devise new

ways to enslave you and steal your assets? No.


You would have to do something else for a living, if you did believe that conspiracy as a dynamic, has influenced human history.

Well, Clinton apparently does believe such a cabal exists because when he delivered his acceptance speech at the Democratic convention on July 16, 1992, Clinton mentioned that "as a student at Georgetown, I heard that call clarified by a professor named Carroll Quigley..."

For your edification:

Until his death on January 3, 1977, Dr. Carroll Quigley, professor of history at Georgetown University was, by his own boast, an insider with a front-row view of the world's money power structure.

Author of the widely used textbook Evolution of Civilization, he was closely associated with many of the family dynasties of the super-rich, and was well known in elitist political circles.

In Tragedy and Hope, a 1300 page tome of dry political history, Dr. Quigley cautiously revealed the best kept secret of our age, and was quite clear about his interest in, and support of, a conspiratorial network of political intrigue.

On page 950, Dr. Quigley writes: "There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other group, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments...In general, my chief difference of opinion is that it wished to remain unknown..."

Leland Faegre


So let me get this right - you can't make a fortune or have power because

the super-rich, world elite, conspire to keep you down. Tell that to Bill

Gates. By the way, this "international Anglophile network" sure did a great

job helping the Russian Communists keep power...


"Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

---Ronald Reagan, June 12th 1987

He became President because he was good with a script. The so-called collapse of Communism was just such a scripted event. With this scripted event, the marketing of the New World Order officially began.

Without wheat deals, lend-lease, technology transfers, credit, and SALT I (which permitted nuclear parity with MIRV technology for good behavior), negotiated by Dr. Strangelove himself, there was no Soviet Empire.

As for wealth confiscation, Gates shelters nearly all of his wealth as do the Rockefellers, Morgan et. al. The 16th amendment (a derivation of the Manifesto of Marx and that wealthy elitist, Engels), was created for them. Not for us.


"Of course, you know that we at the executive level here were, at one time or another, active in either the OSS, the State Department, or the European Economic administration. During those times, and without exception, we operated under directives issued by the White House. We are continuing to be guided by just such directives.... The substance [of these directives] was to the effect that we should make every effort to so alter life in the United States as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union."

---Ford Foundation President H. Rowan Gaither testifying to Norman Dodd, staff director of the Congressional Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations


So, Ronald Reagan was in on it too, hu? How can you explain that the

world's 10 wealthiest men aren't part of the European power elite with ties

to the various monarchies? Do you really think we're going to relinquish

our sovereignty to Russia? For how many decades will the paranoid in this

country believe that the Russian Communists won the cold war?


Reagan was a member of the Screen Actors Guild, ADA and a pro-Mao group before his "conversion to the right." The Reagan record is hardly conservative.

Budget deficits, aid and trade with communists, the largest tax increase in the history of the Republic (up to that time), etc. The Reagan budgets were 2/3 welfare, 1/3 defense. While Kennedy budgets were 2/3 defense 1/3 entitlements. Reagan was all talk, and the perfect demon for the O'Neill-George Mitchell-Jim Wright left.

Membership in the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Bohemian Grove et. al. is by invitation only. These groups are NOT exclusively European, but are political. There is no requirement for wealthy, business/entrepreneurs to be political, and therefore, not considered for membership.

Two individuals come to mind: Ross Perot, and the aforementioned Bill Gates. The former was nominated to join the CFR in the early 80's. His nomination was seconded by none other than George Herbert Walker Bush. Perot declined the nomination. Gates attended a Bilderberg gathering a couple of years ago in Atlanta, but his name does not appear on the recent membership list that was furnished to me by the Trilateral Commission.

What we are witnessing currently is the relinquishment of sovereignty to the United Nations. Not Russia.


World leaders convened in San Francisco at the posh Fairmont hotel last week for the fifth annual State of the World Forum. The Forum is a project of the Gorbachev Foundation whose mission statement reads, "To serve as a non-partisan forum for addressing the central concerns facing humanity at the beginning of the new millennium." The overarching theme of this year's Forum was the establishment of a planetary government empowered to "enforce human rights."

The wall of Communist Europe was brought down by the same people who built it. The architects of a supra-national order. Can you say, the American Economic Community? American Monetary Union? The formerly sovereign states of Europe originally were just part of a trade bloc. Not anymore...

Novus Ordo Seclorum


If you think Reagan was a closet Communist, vote Buchanon in 2000. By the

way, what taxes did Reagan increase?


Wherever the standard of freedom and independence...shall be unfurled, there will [America's] heart, her benedictions and her prayers be....But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.

---John Quincy Adams

They call us "isolationists." Well, if they mean I intend to isolate America from the bloody territorial and ethnic wars of the new century, I plead guilty. It is the first duty of a statesman: to keep his country out of wars that are not his country's quarrel. And the junk yards of history are strewn with the wreckage of republics and empires that failed to learn that lesson.

We intend to dust off an ancient document and restore it to its rightful place as the altar piece of American government. You may have heard of it. It's called the Constitution of the United States. Under the Constitution, before America goes to war, the Congress must declare war. By my reading of the Constitution, the soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who take an oath of loyalty to the United States, are never to be used as the imperial troops of anybody's New World Order. We will bring our soldiers home where they belong; and rebuild our military might and morale so no nation will dare attack us.

---Patrick Buchanan

If Patrick J. Buchanan gets even remotely close, he will have my Libertarian vote. The first time that I have not voted Libertarian since 1976.

Ronald Wilson Reagan, the slickster with the elixir, signed the 1982 Ponzi Scheme (Social Security) tax, and by the end of Reagan's terms, debt had increased by $2 trillion...


Are you a John Burcher?


Are you referring to the John Birch Society that was investigated by the U.S. Congress and the State Legislatures and found to be a "patriotic organization that promotes free-market economics, individual responsibility, originalist Constitutional interpretations and "traditional morality?"

No. I am the Libertarian nominee for the California State Senate District 29.

You can laugh, learn, shop and listen to my music at my web site:

P.S. I enjoy the program...

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Responding to a deliberate attempt by Tim Russert to entrap the former KKK Dragon...

Subj:    Meet the Racists

Date:    3/28/99


CC:    jucbiz, MEspin000

Tim Russert's double standard regarding racists could not have been more obvious. When he confronts Farrahkan and Maxine Waters in the same way he confronts David Duke, he can restore his credibility on the issue of race.

The doctrinal comparison of the sacred Hebrew covenant was especially instructive. I learned more from Duke than the arrogant tirade of Russert.

Both of these individuals embrace revealed religion which is more dangerous than any political convention. Unfortunately, Duke went the distance and made Russert look desperate. The hypocrisy was thick...

Auf Wiedersehen

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Responding to a community leader and activist regarding his characterization of a charter school function...

Subj:    Multiculturism, Hyphenation, and the Balkanization of the the United States

Date:    3/12/99


Dear Ed:

"...the San Jose-Edison Academy recently held a holiday program that featured a multicultural focus..."

I would not have expected ethnic political correctness from you. It is the most direct assault upon, and route to, the Balkanization of the United States of America. Witness the former Yugoslavia.

I remind everyone that we will move forward only when we drop the propaganda of the left. You are smarter than that.

The Founders intended us to be, and we once were, a unicultural America. I implore you not to hyphenate the United States of America...

Leland Faegre

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Responding to Los Angeles TalkShow host Larry Elder's misrepresentation of the Libertarian Party's platform regarding free trade...

Subj:    Government Trade Sponsorship vs. Free Trade

Date:    11/05/98


CC:, MEspin000


Position re: the Libertarian Party and free trade is distorted. From our platform:


Like subsidies, tariffs and quotas serve only to give special treatment to favored special interests and to diminish the welfare of consumers and other individuals, as do point-of-origin or content regulation. These measures also reduce the scope of contracts and understanding among different peoples. We therefore support abolition of all trade barriers and all government-sponsored export-promotion programs, as well as the U.S. International Trade Commission and the U.S. Court of International Trade. We affirm this as a unilateral policy, independent of the trade policies of other nations. Concurrent with the adoption of this policy shall be the complete and unilateral withdrawal from all international trade agreements including the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Leland Faegre

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Responding to an opinion in Investor's Business Daily regarding Clinton Policy toward Taiwan...

Subj:    Throwing Taiwan Over

Date:    07/18/98


CC:    MEspin000


Can we talk? Are you suggesting that Clinton's Foreign Policy, which parallel's the policy of the Council on Foreign Relations, is unique?

Every President at least since Truman has pursued the ultimate betrayal of Taiwan, official State Department policy not withstanding.

The disarmament of Chiang Kai-shek was merely the beginning of Taiwan's end...

Leland Faegre

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Responding to Gerald Posner in yet another effort to discredit conspiracy as the major dynamic of history...

Subj:    Conspiracy Con Artist

Date:    04/04/98


CC:    MEspin000,,

This miscreant author seen this morning on Today-Weekend has made a career of distorting the subject of conspiracy--obviously the most influential dynamic in history.

And his broad brush of racist groups include The John Birch Society? This non-profit organization has been investigated by the United States Congress and found to be patriotic and educational. Not racist. I never met a racist in the organization in my 10 year membership.

This lone remark reveals his agenda is, while not illegal, nonetheless subversive--A claim that discredits his entire pedigree...

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Responding to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences decision on the documentary category...

Subj:    Oscar Outrage

Date:    03/24/98


CC:    MEspin000, TheGooch25, Jucbiz,

The most outrageous decision by the so called Academy by far, was the Documentary category.

Among the film subjects were Ayn Rand and Waco: The Rules of Engagement. Their site is:  The winner went to a film whose subject was yet again the holocaust.

Hollywood will never cease and desist in its desire to wallow in the guilt of the Nazi episode in which so many screen actors fell into the arms of the marxist mirror image of Fascism...

And yes, It should have been Duvall...

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Responding to the subject of Drug Prohibition...

Subj:    There's No Justice in the War on Drugs

Date:    03/25/98


CC:    MEspin000, TheGooch25, Jucbiz,


This was the title of an op-ed piece from Nobelist Milton Friedman in the New York Times of this year.

Milton Friedman is excerpted here on the use of informers:

In the drug trade, the "crime" consists of a transaction between a willing buyer and willing seller. Neither has any incentive to report a violation of law. On the contrary, it is in the self-interest of both that the "crime" not be reported. That is why informers are needed. The use of informers and the immense sums of money at stake inevitably generate corruption--as they did during Prohibition.

And in this case...Death. Where's Jocelyn Elders when you need her? I was left on hold at the end of your six o'clock hour...

Leland Faegre

Libertarian Candidate

60th Assembly District

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Responding to President Clinton's desparate war against everyone and everything in a relentless effort to divert attention from Monica Lewinski...

Subj:    Dogging the Wag

Date:    02/18/98


CC:    MEspin000,

The Administration has begun to unfurl its version of the Tripp story just as the imagery of military action against Iraq is also unfolding.

I believe that FDR said, "if it happens in Washington, you can bet it was planned that way." It is predictable and expected even by those of us who have not seen the movie. Bombs away...

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Responding to KABC and former CNBC co-host of Equal Time...

Subj:    Is it Stephan, or Stephanie Miller? Journalism Flunkie

Date:    02/13/98


This "woman" is out of control, rude and offensive, and disparages her profession, the GE network and the public generally, who deserve better than a Howard Stern in drag...

Excellence and quality is impossible for her.  She should go.  Today would be nice...

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Responding yet again to the former CNBC co-host of Equal Time...

Subj:    Abjectivity

Date:    02/12/98


CC:    MEspin000, TheGooch25

Who's responsible for the sophmoric excuse for journalism witnessed on the remote piece with Stephanie on February 11? She is a disgrace to the information age... Did she study journalism?

I have never seen anything so repulsive, embarrassing and stupid in media.  Nothing. Ever...

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Responding to an unusual display of objectivity from Tim Russert...

Subj:    Professionalism and the Spectacle of Presidential Perjury

Date:    02/09/98


CC:    MEspin000

Congratulations Mr. Russert...I have never seen you as objective and dynamic as on Sunday's Meet the Press. Keep up the good work.

And not a sports metaphor anywhere. Americans are still watching...

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Responding to Congressman Rangel's statement suggesting Monica Lewinski was a "stalker..."

Subj:    Trilateral Treason

Date:    02/04/98


CC:    TheGooch25, MEspin000,



Just in case you missed it, Charles Rangel, and Vernon Jordan are members of the Trilateral Commission, while William Jefferson Clinton is a former member in public service...

Rangel's outburst and attempt to camouflage is easily explained...

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Responding to the decision to "rehabilitate" convicted felon, Dan Rostenkowski on Meet the Press...


Date:    01/11/98


CC:    MEspin000,

Can somebody explain the decision to schedule Rostenkowski to discuss issues of the day? What possible legitimacy does he have to participate in political discourse?

Did I miss something, or did this guy go away for stealing from the American people? Who's in charge there?

Happy Birthday? Are you coming back to Congress? Thank you for joining us this morning...

He should be thanking you.  And you should be apologizing to us for bringing vermin into our living rooms...

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Responding to local KABC TalkShow host Ed Tyll regarding the untimely death of Sonny Bono...

Subj:    Malevolent and Misinformed Miscreant

Date:    01/06/98



CC:, MEspin000

The hideous tirade against a decent, self-made, high school graduate, citizen-legislator was as appalling as anything I have ever heard.  How long must we put up with puke in the 5-7 slot?  One has only to listen to his signature songs.

And to think that the late Roger Barkley was fired, while this shithead is hired?  I reserve language like this for episodes like this.   Enough is enough...

See you at Forest Lawn?

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Responding to a discussion of social mores by "a distinguished panel" including Dr. Laura Schlesinger...

Subj:    Sunday Circus

Date:    12/26/97


I didn't know if I was watching the prestigious Meet the Press last Sunday, or the Comedy channel. The choice of guests were like stooges rather than sages.

I get up early to engage serious issues and expect to be engaged by its content and guests. I found absolutely no one to represent the position of the deistical Founders of this Republic...

I should have slept in. And Russert should lose the cutesy stuff permanently. Serious citizens are watching...for now.

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Responding to a discussion of  environmental "junk science" and how it benefits those who seek an end to nationalism...

Subj:    Global Hot Air, Trial Balloons and the Threat to Sovereignty

Date:    12/02/97


CC:    MEspin000,,



Global disease and environmental issues provide some of the bricks being used to build what Professor Richard N. Gardner, a onetime Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, referred to as the "house of world order."

In his now infamous essay "The Hard Road to World Order" in the April 1974 issue of Foreign Affairs (the flagship journal of the Council on Foreign Relations), Gardner advised that "an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."

Not that independence is an important issue to Americans of the modern stripe--but the Founding Fathers were aware of the threat of what was known in their day as cosmopolitanism, and admonished early Americans repeatedly on the subject of foreign entanglement...

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Responding to globalist mogul Ted Turner's $100 million tax deduction to the United Nations...

Subj:    The Philanthropy of Turner

Date:    10/28/97



Do you really think that anyone gives a rip if Mr. Jane Fonda creates a 100 million tax break for himself in the interest of World Government philanthropy?

He is the most offensive oaf of the modern era...

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Responding to KABC TalkShow host Larry Elder regarding his ignorance and indifference to a subversive scheme to cede the southwest to Marxist Mexico...

Subj:    Re-Conquista, Conspiracy and the Economics of Immigration

Date:    10/14/97


CC:, MEspin000,


You did your listeners a disservice when you stopped short of extending the greatest appreciation to the scholar who called in with his familiarity of the subversive goal of re-incorporating the American southwest with the cesspool de la Mexico.

I have been aware of such a movement for some twenty years, though I am sure such a strategic goal has existed much longer. Since the movement fits perfectly into the designs of those who would "turn the founders upside down."

The architecture of World Governance requires the philosophical dilution of nationalism and sovereignty, and the neglect of border security is evidence of treasonous and calculated neglect of responsible patriotism on the part of official US policy.

Dismantling the Welfare state would correct the corruption, but the Establishment Elite needs both the magnet, and the indifference to transplantation in order to establish the UN authority sponsored by both major parties. The spirit of the Founders is absent in the character of the next American century...

Leland Faegre


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Responding to a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece from Dan Quayle's former confidante and chief-of-staff...

Subj:    What Ails Conservatism

Date:    09/20/97



Within ("What Ails Conservatism,") is a directionless, and yet determined discourse on the subject of "national greatness." Is the pragmatism of William Kristol and David Brooks rhetorical? Do they sense the disintegration of modern conservatism and therefore seek desperately to save the status quo if only for their own sake? And does it take two to write this vague and thinly veiled beltway-Republican op-ed piece?

What Ails conservatism is that it has strayed from the premise of the Founders. In the modern parlance, conservatism means activism. Flag burning, school prayer and the war on drugs are examples of conservative activism in which the solution is more government. The framers of the Constitution deplored State and Church; individually and collectively. They were closer to anarchy and Deism than monarchy and Christianity. Revealing of the political paradigm of Kristol and Brooks, is that instead of Paine, Madison and Jefferson, Kristol and Brooks cite Hamilton, Clay and T. Roosevelt. Other than Hamilton, (who favored a limited monarchy), I don't remember their signatures on the documents that brought forth this great republic. Why the distant estrangement from the republican primogeniture?

Wishing to be left alone is the premise of the Constitution. Any succesful political movement had better be to prepared preserve the protections found in that document. This great Republic was founded upon an absolutely radical concept that separated state and church; yet Kristol and Brooks think we would be better off if "there were a a religious revival."

Kristol and Brooks fantasize an American nationalism that "insists that while government should be limited, it should also be energetic." Energetic? Messrs Kristol and Brooks must have inhaled what Clinton didn't. Socialists use that kind of rhetoric. Government by nature is monstrous and lethargic. Washington called it a fearful master. I think I understand the attraction of Quayle and Kristol.

Kristol and Brooks seem to be conceding that conservatives will not dismantle the nanny state, and instead offer some nebulous commitment to national greatness. Just as Republicans have recently sought to emulate and co-opt so much of the Clinton calendar, is it me, or does this sound a trifle like reformulated volunteerism?

Oh we despise this government alright. Because this is not the one brought forth with divine providence two centuries ago. It should not confiscate our hard-earned money before we see it, so that we can nurture the nationalism that was intended when this nation was born. So that we may feed clothe and educate our children as we decide, and so that we can protect our neighborhoods from the predatory goths and vandals that roam the streets. And so that we may prepare for our own retirement by making choices outside of government stewardship. The Founders DID NOT imagine a Federal Fiduciary.

I think Orwell called it newspeak. Kristol and Brooks are among those who are leading the counterrevolution in their attempt to derail our nascent quest for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I would like to think that we all know where these words are found.

The bloodstained battlefields that enabled this Republic to be born, will surely have to be stained again as this "inestimable jewel" is trampled upon like so much rubbish; refuse which unfortunately adorns this major mouthpiece from time to time; era to era...

Leland Faegre

West Covina, California

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Responding to local talkshow host Ken Minyard on the decision of Charlton Heston to take out full page ads on the subject of firearm rights...

Subj:    The Right to Arm Bears

Date:    09/17/97



It was very difficult to listen this morning to the diatribe directed against the framers of the Constitution. The Founders focus was to create a system that was biased in favor of the individual whom they trusted, and against government whom they did not trust.

Heston's got it right...and NO, I am not a gun owner.

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Responding to the decision of President Clinton to name Massachusetts Governor William Weld as Ambassador to Mexico...

Subj:    Abjectivity

Date:    09/14/97


I was never so disgusted with Russert as I was this morning. The circus surrounding Weld is not even entertaining. If the Clinton-Weld-Media camp believe that by selecting this non-issue, they will arouse public opinion, it is more evidence of their trivialized stature.

And it is clear that that is what is at stake here. It has worked in the past so, 'let's try it...what have we got to lose?' The Republicans deserve to be bashed, but not by this crowd...

But even more serious was the way Russert sought to dilute the angst and vituperation justifiably focused by patriotic citizens against the jack-booted thugs of the FBI. By trivializing the seriousness of any Administration using federal agencies as a method of intimidation, this Papist-pimp reveals his allegiance is to the historical church-state concubine...No intelligent American gives a rip about Louis Freeh or whether he has kids. And that he conceived in Ireland is groveling to the point of nausea.

My advise to Russert is this: Lose the football references. Stick to serious constitutional issues. And make no effort what-so-ever to carry water for big bureaucrats...American citizens are watching. At least for now...

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Responding to local talkshow Larry Elder on the issue of capitol punishment and the police state tactics at Ruby Ridge and Waco...

Subj:    Jack-Booted Thugs

Date:    06/14/97



Dear Larry...

An enthusiastic supporter to immediately implement wholesale capital punishment, at least as much time should have been spent on your broadcast yesterday, to the pursuit of justice of the Federal agents responsible for the shoot to kill policy at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

The "man-woman' head of the "Justice Department," should also be the target of investigation by the U.S. Congress for the wholesale slaughter at Waco. New Tehnology known as Forward-Looking-Infra-Red (FLIR), reveals that Congress and the Media have known more than they have told.

Promiscuous automatic weapons fire were used unobserved behind the single camera view offered by television networks. Agents can be seen shooting into the dining room and areas where the children were trapped...

"60 Minutes" (CBS), "Frontline" (PBS), and the Congressional committee investigating Waco, knew about FLIR imaging but withheld it. American citizens have been deceived about this act of mass murder by its own government.

A documenary, "Waco: The Rules of Engagement," was recently given establishment exposure on MSNBC. Its producer, William Gazecki attempts to enlighten our poorly informed citizens about this milestone of murder...A Web address: has been set up for further information.

I know you are aware that legislation passed is not implicitly constitutional. The decision to go to trial for the 8 Federal agents before the other 160, is the result of Federal statutes that serve to protect unconstitutional behavior under cover of authority.

McVeigh is a symptom of an angry citizenry, brought about by a government that tramples on the rights of its own. There will be more of this, as this Republic degenerates further into that part of its prerevolutionary cycle, natural in historical nation-states. The ominous difference of course is that our "leaders" have committed its people to the threshold of world government, and the attendent authority of international bureaucrats that we do not elect.

I have heard you say that if GATT. or other agencies of international origin, decide issues that threaten our sovereign interest, we will simple disavow or withdraw from its process. I believe the recent Chemical Weapons Convention debate reveals just how desperate these elitists are in their determination to dilute the independence of this nation-state. The founders were aware of Cosmopolitanism, as it was referred to then, and often admonished this subversive philosophy as a threat to individuality. There simply are NO George Washington's around anymore...Excepting ourselves of course. Certainly not in National Review.

Your interest, courage, determination and opportunity to enlighten your fellow citizen is your destiny...You are a very lucky man Larry Elder.

Leland Faegre

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Responding to The Irish Times on the parliamentary elections that brought forth a  Progressive Democrat-Fianna Fail coalition government...

Subj:    Harney's Harness

Date:    06/08/97


The Irish electorate have conveyed their love of big government and the status quo with their rejection of the only sensible direction for the people of Ireland.

If they love freedom and want to be more prosperous (an opinion I don't share), they would have voted for the only progressive party in Ireland...the PD's.

Mary Harney and the party that stands with her, have paid the price for telling the truth. The Irish people deserve their socialist state-church infested morass, and the next time they complain about it, they would be well to consider that a national government that has struggled for years to offer the choice of a private television channel, obviously has no interest in freedom or the private sector.

Wolfe Tone envisioned a secular republic for the island thirsty for freedom. What befell his beloved soil was what history rejected in 1534. He would be sickened...

Leland Faegre


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Responding to Senator John McCain on the Chemical Weapons Treaty and his escort of former heavyweight champion into the Senate Chamber...

Subj:    CWC, Sovereignty and Clay-Ali

Date:    04/24/97



Who paid for you...You, as a former POW should know better...

By the way, Clay-Ali was a draft dodger: Who arranged for your escort into Senate chambers of the former heavyweight champion?

Your voting record is appalling...You have heard of the Constitution?

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Responding to the appearance of NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell on Meet the Press regarding the Chemical Weapons Treaty...

Subj:      Mrs. Alan Greenspan

Date:    04/21/97



WOW! I never thought I would see the day when NBC actually asked hard hitting questions to Establishment types in the news...But Meet the Press on Sunday, April 20, 1997 revealed an honest real reporter in Andrea Mitchell...

I was shocked by her tenacity regarding the Chemical Weapons treaty questioning of Trilateralist Cohen and CFR member Albright. Every question was on the money, and I would gladly welcome her in my home as a result of her professionalism regarding this issue. She had all the right questions, and Messr's Cohen and Albright had all the wrong answers...Keep up the splendid work...I hope this is a trend...

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Responding once again the subject of the Chemical Weapons Treaty...

Subj:      Chemical Weapons

Date:    04/04/97


While everyone wants to work and live in a peaceful world, it is the height of folly to believe that it can be achieved by these treaties of foreign entanglement.

The US Senate would be advised by the founders of this Republic if they were around today, that this serves the interest of internationalism...not the sovereignty of the United States.

Act upon their admonitions to avoid foreign matter how well intentioned. It does not undermine American leadership in the world as James Baker has said, it threatens American independence...

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Responding to the Clinton Administrations re-certification of Mexico as a partner in the war on drugs...

Subj:    Mafioso de la Mexico

Date:    03/03/97


Regardless of Administration party affiliation, recertification would have taken place. The architecture of hemispheric hegemony depends upon the North American Free Trade Agreement.  Any late night pizza at the CFR or the State Department was only precautionary.  American rank and file couldn't care any less.

The "War on Drugs" could not be more insulting to intelligent Americans. This excuse for recertification is further proof that the American people deserve the fate of Mexico itself, for being so apathetic to corruption in the US.

Mexico is a cesspool of filth. Americans deserve the same fate...

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Responding to the C-SPAN broadcast from the headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations on the death of Deng...

Subj:    Deng

Date:    02/24/97



How revealing the "rosary" for Deng @ 68th Street. I thought Heinz was going to cry on Peter Peterson's Podium.

Having insured the defeat of democracy in China "with the stroke of a pen" the heirs of Marshal now celebrate "change" in China.

That change over a generation of deplorable despotism, state terrorism and arms to Maoist armies all over the globe, not to mention caches of automatic weapons flooding the streets of inner cities in the US.

Not that anybody watching knows any of this, but it affirms the nature and ruthless global authority that this cabalist crowd has enjoyed.

Had the CFR truly wanted change in China, it would have included freedom to criticise the most murderous regime in history. And it could have succeeded in 1949...probably without the obituaries of 60 million.

It will take another generation at best, to realize freedom in China... And that assumes that Haig, Holbrooke, Vance, and yes even Gingrich really want it...

It is self-evident that this crowd has nothing but contempt for anything but complete control of their monopolistic universe.

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Responding the Belfast Telegraph on the status of sectarian violence in Northern Ireland...

Subj:    Sectarianism

Date:    02/16/97


A new Reformation can begin only when Media Moguls proselytize the truth about religion.

Known by historical figures as diverse and noteworthy as Wolf Tone, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson and others, the efficacy and advocacy of Deism is the only link to people of all philosophies of creation and origin, upon which civilization can harmonically converge.

It is the responsibility of your paper to develop this theme. Thank me later...Or do the elite shareholders have a vested interest in the status quo?

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